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The requirements of my creative media production

Firstly, what are requirements?

Requirements are things that are of necessary conditions. Meaning that they are compulsory, needed and wanted. This is what I had gathered from the definition term.

In basic terms, the requirements are the thing or list of things that are required to do something. For example, if I wanted to bake a cake, the requirements would be the ingredients, the equipment such as the baking tins, and the knowledge to do so. Without each of these things, I cannot bake the cake because these requirements are what makes it a cake. They are the things that you are required to have before and during your cake, for it to even be a cake at all.

Attaching the requirements to a creative media production, the requirements would depend on the production in which you are doing, whether it is a website creation, interactive media product, developing a game, making a image or article for social media, making a audio based product or simply just a video/short film product or trailer. The list is endless but to know the requirements of your production, you would need to know the production specifically.

The requirements of a website creation: To know your target audience, to know what they want and are looking for in a website

To know the uses of the website. What type of website will this be? what will it be used for? you need to contain the exact parts of the website that the clientele wants and is asking for

An editing program

Somewhere to store your web files

Program to communicate with your web space

Address where your website can be found

Hosting plan

and the list goes on. These were only some of the things in which you would need and need to know to be able to make the product.

Here is the list of requirements needed for my own creative media product:



Shot list

Risk assessment

Contingency Plan

Project Proposal (has to be given to health and safety and other branches for permission to shoot on private land or inhabited places, maybe with a drone or something that needs permission to shoot)

Action plan/ schedule of times and dates to keep organised (more advised than required. Not completely necessary)

equipments eg camera, tripod, go pro, props (if any, mine does not have props)



An editing program

SD card to save clips

Laptop/ computer to work on when downloading clips and editing. Needs to have a SD card slot in

The product needs to entertain while inform and advise those with the same or similar disorders as this.

The product is required to be professional and simplistic for the targeted audience to understand

The product is required to be visually stunning so the audience to not lose focus half way through. They need to feel that the product is eye-catching and that the product has made an impact on their lives both during and after watching.

The product needs to be suited for this age group meaning, no strong language or nudity involved

The product needs to relate to the theme 'Transition'

It needs to use research methods and sources to inform ideas of a creative media production

It needs to analyse and meet the requirements of a creative media production

The product needs to interpret research to develop my ideas effectively when communicating with the targeted audience

It needs to apply practical skills, knowledge and understanding to complete a creative media production within an agreed timeframe

Their may also be more that needs to be added to this list but these are the main significant things required for a video and short film. Obviously for a professional short film, their would be a much bigger team working on different areas at the same time but as I do not have a budget, I am unable to pay my team to work. Meaning their is no director assistant or clothes designer e.t.c I just tell them a brief of what to wear for a few days ahead.

If I did not have any of these all important requirements, required by the targeted audience and for the product, then I would not have a product. These requirements are necessary to have, whether you have a budget and a big team or not. You need to have these requirements, the bigger the production, the larger the requirements but even as small as my production taking place, still needs the essential requirements. The most important requirement parameters listed, are in bold to show that they must be met. The other requirements are not as essential as the ones in bold.

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