Camera Techniques
What are the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds are the guidelines in which you see when looking through the lense of most dslr cameras....
Job roles in the media
Employment contracts What is a full time job? Full-time employment is employment in which means the person has to work a minimum of 35-40...
Yes Man Carbon Copy
How does my sequence communicate with the audience? I believe my sequence communicates with the audience by being entertaining and funny....
Reflection on my video presentation
To evaluate my research, I believe that my project was a success. I think that my project is effective as it includes information about...
Comparing a range of Primary and Secondary research sources from task 1
To start off my media heroes research project I used various Secondary research sources from the internet to gather a brief understanding of
The Others Movie Mashup
What is this? This video is a mashup of several other movie scenes and trailers that I have managed to download from youtube and put...
Hover boarding mashup
To create my hover boarding mashup, I used Premier pro with the video clips from the adobe website. It was my first time ever using...
Comparing the range of reseach tools, methods and skill from task 1
My research project started from wikipedia where I found very basic information about my media hero; Gabriele Muccino. This was...