The Others Movie Mashup
What is this?
This video is a mashup of several other movie scenes and trailers that I have managed to download from youtube and put together with premiere pro. Most movie mashups change the genre of the films they are putting together to make something more creative or different like a really long phone call. I have mainly used the film World War Z but have thrown in some other scenes of movies as well to give an thriller edge to my movie mashup which meets the mashups purpose of entertaining the audience.
To identify my movie mashup in depth, I have used the films Poltergeist, World War Z, Insurgent and the fifth wave. Each of these movies and scenes I have used relate to each other by being action packed with a slight sense of thriller to really throw the audience on the edge of their seat.
The first step to creating my movie mashup was the initial ideas and plan. In the beginning I made a mind map of different ideas I had before creating it, such as creating the alphabet from different movies and characters or a super long phone call or changing the genre of a movie. I didn't quite know what to do or whether to just make a mashup of different scenes. Next I made several other diagrams and mind maps of each idea I had to narrow down the chances of me doing just one, I narrowed the ideas down to just three which were making a cartoon or action movie into a horror/thriller which I thought would be easy to make. My next idea I had was to make a jumble of action/adventure movies to make a story. My third idea was to make a comedy from drama films such as the 'Titanic' which is romantic and comparing it with the film 'how to be single', which should create humour. I finally decided to go with the action/adventure idea as most people in the class were doing a horror or a thriller genre which I didn't want to do the same as and the comedy/romance idea seemed hard as I did not know many romantic films to humiliate. Once I gathered my final ideas I made plenty of lists containing different trailers and scenes of movies that I could use for the action/adventure mashup then I looked up many scenes on youtube and on the web to find what movies and scenes I would like to mash up. This is how my movie mashup came about, by having many different ideas and thoughts which get narrowed down to the final few ideas that I felt would have the best outcome. I then downloaded many scenes and trailers using youtube converter to be put into premiere pro.
The movie mashup starts off with a grey background with black birds flying past with the title Tobin Film Studio. This is the title sequence of the trailer so the audience can identify what company created the film for future references. Obviously the Tobin Film Studio company did not really create this trailer as I was the editor, however the mashup and trailers always look better when having a company logo for the opening sequence to identify the makers. To describe my mashup, I would say that it consists of many jumpy, action scenes and flashing images as the trailer is advertising thriller/action movies. I thought that many jumpy scenes would work well in order to show what is happening through the action which draws the audiences attention.
After the company logo, the music begins to drift into a harsh sound of a heart beat. I created this spooky effect to really build up a tense atmosphere where the audience are wondering if something bad is about to happen. The little girl in the first scene is very pale and is wearing plain clothing, this suggests that she is not normal and attracts danger, when she says 'they're coming' allows the audience to build there own rhetorical questions such as who is coming? where are they? when are they coming? whats going to happen? and so on. I believe the beginning of the trailer or movie is the most important part as its job is to entice the audience into watching the rest of the movie or trailer. if the audience get bored straight away then they will stop watching your trailer which means no matter how good the ending is, the audience will not stay to find out, if the beginning and build up to the video is boring.
The middle of the trailer is very fast with upbeat background music to keep the audience interested. I have made sure the middle is very fast as I did not want the audience to loose interest. I found out that the more action packed and interesting a trailer is then the less likely the audience is to look away, therefore I made sure more than one action scene was going on at the same time so that the audience will not look away as they are entitled to miss out on vital action. The end of the trailer fades into the end as the music gets quieter and drags out for a big finish. The ending scene is from Insurgent where the main character leaps to safety on a rope and the music almost stops as you wonder will she make it? I liked the ending of my trailer as it puts the audience in suspense as you do not know who the lady is or whether she will make it to safety or not. This scene then blends into the gradient title I made at the end which is 'The Others' alongside the subtitle 'Coming soon'. The scene fades to black very nicely while blending into the title for effect. I like using gradient titles as it gives a more of a spooky look to the title as the red and black fade away the further down the letters you go. These screenshots show the different shots that quickly change from one part of action to the next:
My aim for the ending of the trailer was to leave the audience on a cliff hanger so they do not know who the characters are or how the action had taken place, this is what makes a trailer as it urges the audience to watch the film to find out the details. These screenshots show the ending of my mashup where it goes from the most exciting part of the action to the title sequence before the trailer allows the audience to know the ending of the story.
Comparing to the original trailer of World War Z I think I have done a pretty good job. Maybe I should not have used as many World War Z clips as I did and maybe replace some clips for other similar movies so that I have more of a constant mashup but overall I am happy with my end result as I had never done anything like this before or used premiere pro. I do believe that next time I will try and make the mashup a little more simpler for the target audience to understand and maybe add more titles or colour correction to the video, I will also export my video in a higher resolution for better results.
Both trailers use similar clips and both trailers use plenty of jump cuts betweens different action scenes to build up tension. Both my trailer and the original trailer carry out good jump cuts that makes sense, for example when the scene is very rushed and there is an explosion, the next jump cut makes the similar noise into the new scene so that the clips do not look to edited in the way they are put together. My trailer is different as I have used other movie scenes to make the trailer into a more thriller/action movie but I would have liked to use more movie scenes in the future. Looking back, I do not believe my trailer looks too professional as some transitions do not fit the clips and some scenes drag out too much so that is also how my trailer differs from the original.
In conclusion, The trailer of a film is like the blurb on a back of a book. It gives the audience a sense of the plot in the film and who the characters may be. The trailer is very important as it is the first video people see before watching the film, you do not want to give too much away before the audience watch the film but you want to give them just enough information so the audience get a taste of what the film is about. The mashup I have created is using multiple scenes and trailers of different films that have been put together to make a sequence. This shows skill and gets you experiencing editing, I loved doing this as I found it very interesting and fun to do and I would love to carry out more projects similar to this.
This is the Youtube Converter I used to download each of my clips from Youtube. I copied the HTML link of the video on Youtube and put it into the bar on this website and converted the video to mp4 for the video and sound or mp3 for just sound.
Things to consider when creating a movie mashup:
Tone - this may be the tone of the characters, how they speak, how deep, or how loud. When changing the genre of a movie or movie trailer, you want it to suit the look that you are trying to achieve for example if you want to make a fantasy film more dark with thriving tension throughout then you would have to change the tone of the film by making colour corrections, the music deeper and up beat and finally making a lot of jump cuts to different part of the action scenes so that the audience get a brief summary of what the movie is about.
Colour correction - if you want to really make a movie mashup and add in different movie clips then you may need to colour correct all the different movie clips to have the same tone throughout the trailer as you do not want one part of the trailer to look moody and another part looking like a fantasy. To do this you may want to drop the saturation of the clip and add a more of a cooler effect for the characters to look more heartless, out of control and a little scary.
Cutting the clips - You may really want to study the clips that you are going to use before putting the into Premiere Pro as the clips make all the difference when you edit them. When you cut each clip of your sequence you have to match it with the beginning of the next clip or it will not make sense. Editing is the main part of a video project as editing is what puts all the clips together and makes the whole sequence.