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Employability Reflection

My 5 Year Plan consists of two different pathways. Moving onto the second year of my course then going to University studying video editing and pre-production, and the second pathway would be finishing year two then attending another course.

I plan on finishing the second year of my course then attending University as I believe I will be making progression a lot quicker, rather than doing several other courses first. I want to go to MetFilms University to study a 3 year Undergraduate course on pre-production, this course will give me a degree in pre-production video editing where I can then seek employment in the media Industry. The positives to this pathway are:

  • I will have a degree which is very impressive on a cv

  • more skill and job opportunities

  • more experience within the industry

  • the chance to progress to a master class or higher

  • better chance of exceeding in the industry

  • a very good experience

The negative points to going to university straight after my second year on this course are:

  • I will be in education for a long time as Universities are usually 3 or 4 year courses to get a undergraduate degree

  • still will not necessarily get employment at the end of studying

  • may be over qualified for a job or part time job and get turned down

  • may want to do more than one course which will take up extra time and I will then be really old

  • University may be too expensive or not local

  • may be wasting even more time as I just want to get a really good job as quick as possible to be able to work my way up into a higher career branch

My backup plan if this career pathway does not work out, is to finish the second year of my Creative Media Production course and go onto a Graphics design, Interior design, Photography or another media course on level 3 or 4. Once I have done another course, I should have built upon my UCAS points, A levels, work experience and confidence within the media Industry. I may then progress to University after I have done a second course at college as I would have a stronger understanding of what job prospects there are and what I would like to do as a career.

The positives of my backup plan:

  • I will have more experience

  • More A level qualifications

  • More UCAS points

  • More friends

  • will also look very good on my cv

  • the chance to build on my confidence, knowledge and education before possibly going to University

  • able to seek employment afterwards

  • good teachers and equipment

  • may not be as challenging as University

  • good if I do not know what career path I want to take still

  • not as long as a University course

The negatives to doing more courses within the creative and media industry at the same level or possibly higher are:

  • if I will be going to University afterwards, then that is another 3/4 years on top of a two year course (takes too long)

  • might get lost if I do not know the area well

  • might decide I have chosen the wrong course In University

  • college does not have the equipment and study materials of university

  • may be missing out on a great experience

  • college is not as impressive as University

As you can see, there are a lot of positive and negative points for every decision that I decide to make when heading for my career goal. I would like to go with my first plan which is year two of the college course then University route, however I may not end up with the grades and qualifications needed therefore I could end up staying in college. Doing another college course also sounds very appealing to me as I would like to study more than one area but I do not want to do a second college course then University as it will take too long as I will be old and I do not want a career when I am old because I will have to retire before I have even had experience within the media industry.

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