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Peer Assessment on Taylor's Daydream

For my peer assessment, I asked my friend Chloe Wallace and Amy Bombone whom had observed me working and taking part in our group project; Taylor's Daydream. After we had finished the project, I asked Chloe and Amy numerous questions about me about how they felt I had participated within the group. Here are the set of questions I had asked my peers and below them are there responses.

Question 1: What were my job roles throughout the team project and do you feel as though I had done my roles and responsibilities?

Chloe's response: Callie did a lot of research and pre-production to the group which meant that we were able to finalise and go over all her ideas for what we can film. Callie stayed very focused to each job role she was given and produced plenty of designs and layouts which the group were able to follow and introduce there own thoughts to her ideas.

Amy's response: Callie did plenty of work, not only in class time but had also worked in her own free time at home. She brought in plenty of research and showed us videos or trailers which we were able to identify how we will be approaching the project. Callie is very passionate about sharing ideas and thoughts with the group which made her a very important team member as she contributed well.

Question 2: Could there have been anything that I could improve on? maybe when I am involved in another team project.

Chloe's response: I believe that Callie participates very well within team projects as she conveys her ideas, thoughts and feelings amongst the group and is always sure to be involved. Maybe Callie could improve upon her particular job roles and deadlines in which she hands them in which may benefit her and her group more. By this I mean, she could maybe work a little faster and get the job done quicker as it would make a bigger impact in the other job roles taking place within the group.

Amy's response: I think that Callie works very well in a group as she conveys her ideas and thoughts effectively. To improve, she could maybe work on being a little quicker so that we could all finish our job roles and move onto the next topic.

Question 3: What did I do during the pre-production and how could it be improved?

Chloe's response: Callie did all of the research and contributed to the ideas and mind maps during the pre-production. To improve, she could maybe do some script's, storyboards, mind maps and proposals.

Amy's response: Callie did mainly research in the making of gathering many ideas and inspirations from other Taylor's Daydream sequences and productions.

This peer assessment taught me that I contribute and engage well to the projects set in hand. If I were to improve then I would need produce a little more pre-production work such as sripts, storyboards, mind maps and more.

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