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Self evaluation of Taylor's Daydream

I believe that my performance in the group was overall very good. I had contributed well, shared ideas and thoughts and evaluated on them. I mostly struggle on the pre-production of a project as for me, the storyboards, scripts, mind maps and risk assessments are the hardest part as they are the most boring.

The primary and secondary research that I had produced was produced in a lot of detail and conveyed plenty of meaning as the research of the task, daydreams, clips and sequences allowed our group to come together as a whole and think about possible pathways that we may want our storyline to go in. The research and questionnaire allowed for us to develop our knowledge on camera techniques, ideas, twisted storylines and cliff hangers. The questionnaire allowed us to gather public views and opinions of what they prefer watching and find entertaining. If I were to do this project again then I may build on my pre-production skills. I feel that if I had a fully developed pre-production then our outcome of the project may have differed and improved. Next time I will be developing my script, storyboards and mind maps and not rush into the first idea that our group may have liked.

I feel as though, overall our Taylor's Daydream project was a success, however it could have been improved by further editing techniques in after effects such as, motion tracking and freezing framing maybe even a little colour correction and de-noise in order to give those thriller looks to the clips. I also feel like the camera techniques, angles, perspectives and shots could have been a little more organised and thought out although our end result was not as bad as expected.

For my self evaluation, my mind mapping ideas had been brought to our final outcome. It was my idea to do a weeping angles type of look in our story where every time the main character; Taylor looks away or the lights go out, the weeping angel-like characters gradually come closer and closer to him while looking like statues. This gave a type of thriller feel to the short film as it builds up tension right to the point where it cuts black and Taylor waked up, to give the audience a sense of false insecurity and confusion.

I feel like I could have maybe contributed more to the storyboarding and script which may have improved our final outcome but my primary and secondary research I felt, definitely gave our group more of an insight into creative ideas and concepts of the ideas I gathered and developed from previous stories and film clips. The project turned out very well as the clips were filmed to a high standard as were the audio. The special effects could have been improved a little if we had more time, however the outcome of the project worked very well as the colour correction played a big part in the film as did the editing and jump cuts.

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