Instagram Page
If you press the orange circle that says Instagram in the middle of it, it will take you to the Instagram business page that I have made for this business. I have decided to branch my business out to Instagram so that I can upload professional images I take in the Photo Studio as well as images I take of the stool on location. Just like Lush, it will allow for the business to reach out to a wider audience on various social media platforms. I have made the Instagram account in a business profile so that the linked email and Facebook that I created especially for the business, will allow for people to ask questions about where we will be next or if you have questions about the ingredients within the products.
Shown below is the new email I have created just for this business. This is the email I am using on the business social media pages.
Why is the email important,and should it be different to a personal email?
A business email acts as a vital communication platform between the seller and the customer,showing a professional business email gives the customer trust in the company of which they are purchasing products from,not only does it make the company look trustworthy and professional it also separates personal and business messages as to answer perspective customers enquires quick and easy.
Do the images and video's need improving?
Yes videos are ongoing to be improved at every stage.
Yes the photos and images could be improved by more editing,taking a little more time over this area,more professional photos of products rather than images from the stall.
Does the text and layout need improving?
Yes there is room for a lot of improvement in this field, the products need to be clearly named,priced and described taking more time on the layout, also the use of hash tags as to boost posts and products this is lacking on this page,customers are not finding the company and products independently only through the link to face book.
What feedback did i receive from peers and tutors?
Positive feedback was that the organisation of the Instagram was good for example - the way i matched and coordinated products.
Negative feedback was improvements in the layout for example - the use of hash tags, naming and pricing and generally more professional.
How has this experience helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses?
This has given me a clear view on images that work and do not work,taking more time to edit and compare with backgrounds.
I have learnt a clearer understanding of how to be clear on points that matter and to keep it clear and simple is more professional and effective.